Time Series Anomaly Detection with ML.NET in C#

ML.NET provides a very simple way of performing Anomaly Detection on random variables as long as they are independent and identically distributed (i.e. daily sales totals recorded at the end of each and every day). With it also being possible to detect anomalies without requiring past examples beyond your dataset.


Before we get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Step 1: Set Up Your Project

Step 2: Install ML.NET Package

Step 3: Import Necessary Libraries

using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;

Step 4: Define Your Data Classes

In this example, we’ll assume you have a class called TimeSeriesData with two properties: TimeStamp and Value.

public class TimeSeriesData
    public DateTime TimeStamp;

    public float Value;

Step 5: Load and Prepare Your Data

Load your time series data into a DataView and split it into training and testing sets.

var context = new MLContext();
var data = context.Data.LoadFromTextFile<TimeSeriesData>("path/to/your/data.csv", separatorChar: ',');
var dataSplit = context.Data.TrainTestSplit(data);

Step 6: Define Your Model

Choose an anomaly detection algorithm. In this example, we’ll use the SrCnnEntireAnomalyDetector algorithm.

var pipeline = context.Transforms.DetectAnomalyBySrCnn("Value", nameof(TimeSeriesPrediction.Prediction), 10)
    .Append(context.Transforms.CopyColumns("Prediction", nameof(TimeSeriesPrediction.Prediction)));

Step 7: Train Your Model

var model = pipeline.Fit(dataSplit.TrainSet);

Step 8: Make Predictions

var predictions = model.Transform(dataSplit.TestSet);
var anomalies = context.Data.FilterRowsByBoolColumn(predictions, "Prediction");

Step 9: Evaluate the Model

var metrics = context.AnomalyDetection.Evaluate(dataSplit.TestSet, "Prediction");
Console.WriteLine($"AUC: {metrics.AreaUnderRocCurve}");

Step 10: Interpret the Results

You can now use the anomalies DataView to analyze and interpret the detected anomalies in your time series data.

Step 11: Deploy and Use Your Model

To use the model in your application, you can save it and load it as needed:

context.Model.Save(model, dataSplit.TrainSet.Schema, "model.zip");
var loadedModel = context.Model.Load("model.zip", out var modelSchema);

Congratulations! You’ve successfully implemented time series anomaly detection using ML.NET in C#. This tutorial provides a basic example, but you can further refine and expand your model based on your specific use case and data.

Remember to replace the placeholders in the code (like “path/to/your/data.csv”) with your actual file paths and feel free to experiment with different algorithms, hyperparameters, and techniques to improve the accuracy of your anomaly detection model.

See Also


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