Native pico-sdk BMP280 temperature sensor and air pressure sensor library for Raspberry Pi Pico in C++

The BMP280 works as an ambient temperature sensor and air pressure sensor, and is available as either a standalone IC, or as a breakout board and is usually conntected up via I2C (IIC, ICC or I2C, depending on your preference). I have written a bmp280 raspberry pi pico library as part of a group of libraries over at the pico-libs repository on github.

C# Basics - Deep Copy Object Tree

Object deep copy is a process of creating a new object instance that is an exact copy of another object. This process includes creating a new object with all the same properties and values as the original object. Object deep copy is usually used to avoid creating unwanted references between objects, or to create a separate object instance that can be modified without affecting the original object.

C# Basics: Loop Through a Dictionary

Dictionaries are essential data structures in C# that allow you to store key-value pairs. Looping through dictionaries enables you to iterate over each key-value pair and perform operations on them. In this article, we will explore different methods of looping through dictionaries in C# and discuss their applications.

Why You Should Use Oauth OAuth 2.0 Tokens

An OAuth 2.0 access token is usually a base64 encoded string that the client uses when making requests to the server, and can hides the user’s identity and other personal information from the client app/website and anybody listening in on the line.

Observe/React to Array Changes with Angular 12

In angular 12, it is very simple to have the HTML of your component react to changes in the value of a single variable (or multiple variables). Although it is not that simple when you want to have your components HTML react to push/pop changes.