C# 12 introduces several features aimed at laying the foundation for future performance enhancements. These features include easy access to inline arrays, an experimental feature called interceptors, and enhancements to the nameof keyword.
There are times when you need an application to just sit there in the background and deal with the same repetitive task over and over again.
In dotnet core 3.0, a new type of template was introduced, “Worker Service”, which is a very easy way of creating Windows Services and Linux Daemons, and it is just as easy in dotnet 6 and 7 (if not, even easier).
Random numbers play a crucial role in various applications, from gaming to cryptography. In C#, generating random numbers is made easy with the help of the built-in Random class. In this article, we will explore different methods of generating random numbers in C# and discuss their applications.
As we all know, Windows 11 introduced the new centre aligned taskbar. The very first thing that most people wanted to do was move it back to the left, but it does not seem to be immediately obvious how to do so.
The ILI9341/ILI9342 works as display driver for a TFT display, and is available as either a standalone IC, or as a breakout board and is usually conntected up via SPI. I have added a ILI9341 raspberry pi pico library as part of my group of libraries at the pico-libs repository on github.
The mpu6050 works as an accelerometer and gyroscope, and is available as either a standalone IC, or as a breakout board and is usually conntected up via I2C (IIC, ICC or I2C or SPI, depending on your preference). I have added a mpu6050 raspberry pi pico library as part of my group of libraries at the pico-libs repository on github.
The BMP280 works as an ambient temperature sensor and air pressure sensor, and is available as either a standalone IC, or as a breakout board and is usually conntected up via I2C (IIC, ICC or I2C, depending on your preference). I have written a bmp280 raspberry pi pico library as part of a group of libraries over at the pico-libs repository on github.
Object deep copy is a process of creating a new object instance that is an exact copy of another object. This process includes creating a new object with all the same properties and values as the original object. Object deep copy is usually used to avoid creating unwanted references between objects, or to create a separate object instance that can be modified without affecting the original object.
Dictionaries are essential data structures in C# that allow you to store key-value pairs. Looping through dictionaries enables you to iterate over each key-value pair and perform operations on them. In this article, we will explore different methods of looping through dictionaries in C# and discuss their applications.
In C# string is an alias for System.String, So technically, there is no difference and they are exactly the same as comparing int and System.Int32, they will compile to exactly the same code. but…